Revised at the 1998 Annual meeting
Placerville, California, USA
The original Charter and By-laws of the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK has been commissioned by the Mizo people of North America for approval by the original membership at a Forum scheduled for July 7, 1996.
The curent Charter and By-laws has been approved by the standing members on August 2, 1998 in Placerville, California, U.S.A.
The MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK is founded in response to the prayers and discussions among some Mizo people and supporters, who believe this to be God's will.A meeting of the Mizo people of North America was held in Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A. in December 1995. They commissioned four people (i) to prepare the Charter and By-laws of the organization, and (ii) to invite all those who identify, consider, or feel themselves as Mizo or Zo people outside of Mizoram and sympathizers to support the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK.
This body shall be known as the "MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK".
The MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK is registered in the United States of America as a non-profit organization and represents the Mizo people as defined in the preamble, supporting groups, and individuals worldwide.
Develop spiritually and economically the people by facilitating assistance, supporting the harmony of Christians in ministry and service to make them contributors. Participate and facilitate in providing the following services to the people:
* Care and treatment of the sick (hospitals with modern equipment).
* Prevention of disease (e.g., AIDS).
* Education (public, higher secular and religious institutes).
* Social services to orphans, widows, and handicap.
* Rural and urban development (hydro-electricity, light and agro-based industries, etc).
* Disaster relief.
* Prevention of crime and drug addiction.
* Rehabilitation of prisoners.
* Support good traditional values (e.g., Tlawmngaihna).
* Support for tasks associated with other activities.
To create a bridge of co-operation between the people, expatriates, and supporters; and create a body within which members can co-operate, interact, exchange ideas and information, and network together.
Develop the creativity and potentials of the people in accordance with Christian principles. Promote and facilitate communication between the people and others for spiritual and economic developments. Empower the people at grassroots level to participate in the developments. Strenghten and promote fellowship, and maintain unity among the people worldwide. Sharing of information, working together and building stronger relationships among the people, expatriates, and supporters. Involve the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK in activities which require or need a neutral body, which no single organization could accomplish by itself.
Hold and sponsor forums, workshops, conferences, and training seminars for the people, expatriates, and individuals to interact and network sharing common goals and strategies. Create a network of sub-committees for various projects for the people, and have groups, individuals, and expatriates work co-operatively through these sub-committees. Have a Center for the community to hold meetings, and for other organizations and individuals to obtain information about the people and their land. Create, print, or produce and distribute popular and technical publications, and multi-media products to benefit and educate the people. Give guidance to and facilitate the activities of visiting groups to the land. Require the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK members to adhere to Biblical principles.
The MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK exists to serve the people through the members by providing:
* Opportunity for appropriate co-ordination of activities, personnel, and resources.
* A united voice for the members in liaising with various organizations and agencies.
* A clear channel for various organizations and agencies to communicate with the members.
* Advice and support for project activities.
* An open communication mechanism for the worldwide Mizo community and supporters.
* A regular newsletter to the members and supporters
* Opportunities to discuss issues of common concern.
The MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK is comprised of a membership, an Executive Board, and a Center, which are respectively defined as follows:
The membership may include individuals, families, non-governmental and Christian organizations, and corporations.
Members agree to:
* Uphold this Charter and By-laws in every respect.
* Fulfill all the requirements thereof and any subordinate legislation.
* Make all reasonable efforts to ensure that their activities are consistent with the Vision and Purpose as defined in Articles 3 and 4.
Members shall retain complete autonomy over, and responsibility for, their own activities, while endeavoring under the auspices of the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK to co-ordinate those activities with other members.
Applications for membership should be submitted as instructed in the Application form.
Applicants for membership should satisfy one or more of the following service criteria:
* Helping to build up and to serve the people.
* Training and empowering the people in leadership, management, and professional skills.
* Providing services as in Article 3.
* Undertaking surveys, research, and other fact gathering exercises to facilitate effective use of resources.
* Contributing through prayer and practical giving to support the above activities.
Executive Board:
The Executive Board shall be nominated and approved by the membership at the annual or a special meeting for a period of two calendar years. The board shall consist of the following officers for the International Headquarters in USA and may be modified for other units but perform similar functions:
* President.
* Vice-President.
* Treasurer.
* Director(s) of Information.
* Two representatives from Mizoram.
* Two other representatives of the membership.
* Executive Director (ex-officio and non-voting).
The duties of the Executive Board are to:
* Recruit, appoint, and direct the activities of the Executive Director.
* Supervise the financial affairs of the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK as managed jointly by the treasurer and the Center.
* Report to the membership at meetings and through regular publications or newsletters.
* Take actions in accordance with resolutions passed by the membership.
* Make decisions on behalf of the membership in times of crisis, which times shall be as defined by the President with the assistance of the Executive Director.
* Investigate any allegations of activities by member(s) in contravention of this Charter and By-laws, seek prompt reconciliation through discussion and consultation, and if necessary, expel member(s) who persist(s) in contravening the requirements of this Charter and by-laws.
* Appoint staff in filling vacancies within the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK organization.
* Appoint and dissolve sub-committees and standing committees to effectively accomplish the purpose and service intended by the MIZO CHRISTIAN
* Present an Annual report to the annual meeting.
* Ensure that the Charter and By-laws is upheld in every respect.
* The Center shall consist of the Executive Director and other staff as approved by the Executive Board.
* The responsibilities of the Executive Director and other staff are approved by the Executive Board.
* The responsibilities of the Executive Director are defined in the Job Description (as appended).
The Executive Board shall meet quarterly or as recommended by the board member(s). The Executive Director shall distribute the meeting agendas at least two days ahead of the meeting. Reports and recommendations will be made for approval by the board.
The annual meeting of the membership shall be held in the USA or in other place approved by the board in February or March of each calendar year. Members must submit agenda items to the Executive Director one month prior to the annual meeting.
Membership forums may be held with such frequency as desired by the members or as recommended by the board.
When a motion is tendered to the annual meeting or at membership forum, the members may approve by a voice vote.
The Executive Director shall give advance notice about meetings to concerned committee members.
Notice of proposed amendment(s) to this Charter and By-laws shall normally be submitted to the members via the Executive Director at least one month prior to the annual or a special meeting. To adopt, proposed amendment(s) must be approved by concensus of the members in attendance.
The budget for the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK shall be raised by the annual membership fees, personal contributions, and from other sources.
The annual membership fee shall be recommended by the treasurer and approved by the membership.
The financial year shall begin on January 1, or as determined by the membership.
The treasurer shall make sure that proper finances are maintained.
The treasurer shall prepare an annual budget for the forthcoming year and an audited statement of account for the previous year for approval by the board.
Position Title:Executive Director
Length of Term:Two years, renewable
The person is expected to be a godly man with a vision, courageous, good reputation and moral lifestyle, spirit of servant-hood, a well-managed household, and a spiritual leadership quality. The person should not be a lover of money.
1. Coordinating Tasks:
* Co-ordinate the work of the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK as requested by the members.
* Organize membership meetings, conferences, workshops, and seminars of the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK. Provide meeting minutes and agenda.
* Facilitate exchange of information, promote fellowship and co-operation between the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK members and supporters.
* Co-ordinate programs sponsored and co-sponsored by the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK.
* Serve as an ex-officio member of all the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK committees.
2. Administrative Tasks:
* Manage membership records, fees, and funds from members and other sources.
* Prepare and maintain financial records and reports, as instructed by the treasurer of the executive board.
3. Representing Tasks:
* Represent the MIZO CHRISTIAN GLOBAL NETWORK to various organizations, and other agencies or persons, as authorized by the executive board.
4. Advisory Tasks:
* Provide orientation, advice, and service to members.
* Be a resource person (supporter, encourager, counselor) for the people and supporters