MCGN Web Silent Period : 2005-2014

[To be added/corrected]

Our website did not post Newsletters for the 2005-2014 period as if nothing had happened, like a “silent period”. We have no one to take care of MCGN’s website which became quite out-dated. We posted monthly Bulletins in 2005 upto the month of July and three items (10-YEARS OF MCGN, 2006; November 2006-March 2007 Mission Trip; and Update – September 2007) during this period.

Actually, it was perhaps the busiest time for us (Liana and Ngeni), especially after Liana retired at the end of 2005. During 2005-2013, we travelled to a number of places for mission trips and for Liana’s volunteer professional engagements. Here follows the list of trips and activities for the silent period.

Mission Trips & Activities


Contribute monthly financial support to a Mizo lady missionary in Central Asia, near the border of China.

Secure the right to translate “The Purpose-Driven Life” into Mizo (Lushai) by its publisher, Zondervan.

Re-translate “The Purpose-Driven Life”by Liana as the effort by a reputable Mizo pastor did not meet the standard of Zondervan.



Translate into Mizo (Lushai) a hearing before an Administrative Judge in Maryland (Mar-June).

To UK (Dec 1-14):

Participate at Perspective Global Huddle at Wycliffe Center, High Wycombe.

Visit library at Oxford University where detailed accounts of the Baptist missionaries are archived.



To Mizoram, India

Promote “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” in churches and special meetings, including a full presentation at Aizawl Theological College (Jan-Mar).

Complete translation of “Nunna Thiltumin A Khalh” (The Purpose-Driven Life) into Mizo (Lushai)
by Lalliana Mualchin (Aug)

Complete printing and binding of “Nunna Thiltumin A Khalh” and the books ready for release (Sep 21)

Sponsored (with the support of the US Center for World Mission) two Mizos to attend the July intensive class of “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” in Pasadena, California (June-Aug).

To Nepal & India:

Visit a Mizo missionary couple, Lura and Sangtei in Pokhara, Nepal to see their Tibetan Children and Church Planting ministries, and to introduce Perspectives on the World Christian Movement to the local churches. Also visited other Mizo missionaries in Kathmandu (Oct 4-8).

Conduct the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Class in Aizawl,Mizoram (Oct 22-27) with speakers, Yvonne Huneycutt and Judie Gamponia from the US and two local people who were trained for continuing the class (Oct 22-27).



Present MCGN ministry at the Perspectives class held at Sunrise Community Church.

Ended the Juliet Florio scholarship award to High School graduating students in southern Mizoram.

To India (Sep-Dec)


2009 (Mar)



Publish “Isua Ringtu Tana Thutiam” (The Jesus Person Pocket Promise), translated into Mizo (Lushai) by Christopher Lalhmangaiha.



Publish “Hlau leh Khur Chungin” by Zangeni Mualchin.

To India (Feb-Mar)

Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the North East India Christian Council - Women Assembly in Shillong, Meghalaya.

Visit three jails and southern area churches in Mizoram.

Invite potential students in Aizawl to enroll for the M.A. program by William Carey International University, Pasadena, California at a reduced tuition fee.

Visit the station of the Lakher Pioneer Mission at Serkawr, Maraland. Met the only living and grand-daughter of the pioneer missionaries and her family.



Publish “Krismas” by Zangeni Mualchin.

Support start for missionaries in Rakhine, Burma (Myanmar); and Kolkata and Maharastra, India.

To India (Nov-Dec)

Visit Burma Mizo Christian Fellowship in the western area of New Delhi and Delhi Chins Christian Fellowship.



Liana’s Volunteer Professional Engagements



Submit a proposal for Mizoram Earthquake Hazard Map Project, at the request of Govt. of Mizoram (Nov 7)



To Italy:

Present a paper at International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Nov-Dec)



To Italy:

Present a paper at International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (May)

Submit Final Report of Mizoram Earthquake Hazard Map Project to Government of Mizoram (July 31).



To India:

Present a paper at a meeting in Gandhinagar, India (Jan).



To Italy:

Present “Experts Opinion” on earthquake hazards at the L’Aquila court on earthquake disaster legal case (Feb).



Prepare “Position Statement” for the International Seismic Safety Organization (ISSO) (June).

Volunteer to be General Secretary of ISSO.


Resuming MCGN Website

The Lord impressed upon Jease Gangte to revive our website in a new style as you see now. We were connected with him through David Malsawmtluanga, now (June 2015) studying at Bible College in Stockton, California.
While we were frustrated looking for someone to help us, we find a great comfort in having Jease coming alongside. We are grateful for his understanding of our needs and willingness to help.

Thank you, Jease. May God richly bless you!
